3 Top Tips For Finding Locum Pharmacy Work
Finding Locum Pharmacy Work
Finding work as a locum pharmacist can be a painful and long-drawn out process. I constantly hear from locums that no work is available. However, the work is there. The key is finding it.
I strongly believe in 3 essential techniques to be successful in finding and securing locum work:
- Getting your name out there.
- Being easily contactable.
- Leaving a good reputation after you have completed the shift
Getting Your Name Out There
Business Cards
The traditional way of finding locum work is by printing off business cards and spending a day visiting pharmacies. Business cards are relatively easy to obtain online and can be purchased for less than £10. However, do not be like the majority of other locums fretting over the color and design of the card itself. A locum business card should contain your name and contact details. Anything more than this is probably overdoing it. A positive of finding locum work this way is that you have the opportunity to create a good first impression. However, it’s hard to know that your card will be placed in the drawer containing other business cards of the 1000 locums that called in before you.
Use Your Personal Network
Graduating from university does come with benefits in that now you have many friends who are also pharmacists. Make the most of these connections. Why not set up an informal agreement between you and your other friends. If a person gets asked to cover a shift and isn’t free they should then refer to another locum. This method works well but everyone has to participate and ensure all referrals are reciprocated. Ensure everyone in your referral network is working to the same standard because when you refer, your reputation is still on the line if the locum isn’t any good.
Look Outside Where You Did Your Pre-Reg
As you approach the end of your pre-reg: make your pharmacy aware you are ready, available, and looking for work. It’s great to start locuming where you did your pre-reg as you already know staff, customers and also how the company operates. However, don’t make this your only option for work. Pharmacists only locuming where they did their pre-reg can be disadvantaged because of limited experience of working elsewhere. Also when your pre-reg pharmacy doesn’t need cover- you are stuck without work. Keep your options open and look outside where you did your pre-reg- it pays off!
Register with a locum Agency
- Proof of National Insurance.
- Professional Indemnity Insurance Certificate.
- MUR certificate (England & Wales)
- Repeat Dispensing Certificate (England & Wales)
- Your NMS.
- Two professional industry references.
- Your GPhC registration number*